Sunday, April 7, 2019

It Was 20 Years Ago Today, Widespread Panic, Live at the Electric Factory, Philadelphia, PA April 10th, 1999

     Hello everyone. I hope you have survived winter (that needs to be said when you live this far North) and are enjoying the emergence of spring. I haven’t written anything in my It Was 20 Years Ago Today series because while it has been 20 years for a lot of shows, not too many of them were super memorable. But boy is this one. This one has got it all, strip clubs, bachelor parties, fashion, and Widespread Panic. So without further ado, It Was 20 Years Ago Today, Widespread Panic, Live at the Electric Factory, Philadelphia, PA 4/10/99.
     My buddy, DJ, was getting married at the end of April and wanted to do something for a bachelor party but DID NOT want a party with strippers, drugs, and general debauchery. I believe I came up with the idea of going to see Panic. DJ is a full blown deadhead and had liked WSP more than Phish so this was perfect. Maybe 5 of us were planning on attending.
    A few of Dj’s friends who lived in Philly were going too but they were not really into the music scene.  One of them, Mr X, also had a very green thumb. Remember, this was back in 1999 and really dank bud was hard to come by. Not like today, where one can get it delivered to one’s front door. Oh you can’t do that in PA? That’s why I live in Vermont.
     We had to meet up with Mr. X before the show. We got to a friend’s place in Philly and waited…and waited…and waited. Seriously, he was very late and anyone who knows me knows I HATE getting to a show late. Evidently, Mr. X couldn’t decide what outfit to wear. Like I said, not really into the music.
     He finally arrived and it was definitely worth the wait. But now we were late. I mean really late. We got on I -76 and the traffic was terrible. Mr. X was driving and decided the quickest way was to go the wrong way on an on ramp to get off the Surekill ( I mean the Schuykill) expressway. While I wouldn’t recommend it, it worked and we finally arrived at the Electric Factory.

04/10/99 Electric Factory, Philadelphia, PA
1: Let's Get Down To Business, Pigeons, B of D > Rebirtha > Red Hot Mama > Diner > Greta > Goin' Out West
2: Arleen > Hatfield, Flat Foot Flewzy > Jam > Driving Song > Big Wooly Mammoth > Drums > Jam > Driving Song, Ain't Life Grand
E: Pilgrims > Fishwater

You can stream it here

Remember what I said about being late? We got there as Greta was ending. I was so pissed. LGDTB is a song I really wanted to hear. I was late for another WSP show in 1998, so I had missed the equivalent of an entire set. The second set was really rocking so that eased the pain.
     After the show, Mr. X insisted that we go to a strip club. The first one we went to they denied everyone entry except Jake. He had a shirt with a collar on it so that made him worthy. So then we went to a really crappy place, right along I-76, We weren’t in the door 5 minutes and Mr. X comes up and asks me to kick in some money for a lap dance for DJ. I did but replied that DJ did not want anything to do with strippers. I turn around and DJ is right in front of me asking “What did Mr. X ask you?” DJ did behave and turn down the offered lap dance. Pretty sure Mr. X took it.
     I hope whatever you did for your bachelor/bachelorette party was almost as much fun as we had seeing the jamband titans of the South.

Dave Kemp
BA American Studies
PhD Rock and Roll

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